"It's a week in rehab after episodes like that." Indeed, Bourdain's ex-wife Ottavia Busia even playfully tweeted, "There was much more of when he got back from this Canadian trip #partsunknown. Join world-renowned chef, bestselling author and Emmy winner Anthony Bourdain to discover Parts Unknown.

I guess I'll have to drink it,'" Bourdain told Bloody Elbow. One of your favorite series from CNN is now available in your favorite podcast app. "The stuff is all so good and so legendary, you figure, 'I'll never see a wine this good again. Earlier, he sipped a white burgundy natural wine with glacier bay oysters as a snack. 2013 12 Seasons Reality Pop Culture & Celebrities Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown : Anthony Bourdain travels the globe to uncover little-known areas of the world and celebrate diverse cultures by exploring food and dining rituals. Later in the episode, while traveling on the rail, he dined on sturgeon caviar, an omelet topped with freshly-shaved "fist-sized" truffles, and a side of (again) foie gras. Quoth Bourdain to his dining companions, "You are hopeless romantics when it comes to the art of living" - and he had a point. For the cheese course, "A voluptuously-reeking époisses that less-hearty outdoorsmen might call 'overripe,' but not us," - a treat for the outspoken runny cheese fan. Bourdain finished the meal with chartreuse, a Cuban cigar, and a layer cake with almond and hazelnut meringue and chocolate buttercream.